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Updated: 2005-03-24 08:56

Aniston to star "Breakup" after split with Pitt


"There is always going to be the tough and the nasty," Aniston told Access Hollywood, referring to rumours surrounding the Hollywood couple's surprise separation. "You just tune out to that."

Jennifer Aniston revealed on Monday that the next move is to star romantic comedy titled "The Breakup" in her first interview since the highly publicized breakup with actor-husband Brad Pitt in January.

In an interview with syndicated TV show "Access Hollywood," the 36-year-old actress reflected on her relationship with Pitt, "There is always going to be the tough and the nasty. You just tune that out. There has been so much love and support. It feels real good."

Aniston laughed off the irony of her next movie being a romantic comedy titled "The Breakup",

Although she has starred in big-screen comedies "Along Came Polly" and "Bruce Almighty", Aniston said she felt she had yet to complete the transition from TV to film.

"I feel like I have got one good foot in there, and we will see if they still want to have me back," she said.

Concerning the decision in January to part company after 4 1/2 years of marriage, none of the former Hollywood golden couple have spoke publicly.

Also Pitt and Jolie, the Hollywood female star, denied any romance between them.

But she told "Access Hollywood" that despite being on the receiving end of some negative publicity, she still feels the public is rooting for her. "There has been so much love and support. It feels really good," she said. Enditem




syndicate: form a team(合作,协作)

laugh off: to pretend, by laughing or joking, that something is less serious or important than it really is(用笑摆脱;用笑话来排除)

root for : to give strong support to (someone who is competing)(为……鼓气,加油)

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