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Updated: 2005-03-22 10:13
Japan's Princess betrothed at 35


Japan's Princess betrothed at 35
Japan's Princess Nori's fiance Yoshiki Kuroda and his mother Sumiko bow as they arrive at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo to meet Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko March 19, 2005. (REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao)

The only daughter of Emperor Akihito has been formally betrothed -- at 35 years old, one of an increasing number of Japanese women who have chosen to wait for their wedding bells.

Princess Nori's betrothal on Saturday to Yoshiki Kuroda, 39, who works in the urban planning department at Tokyo city hall, was sealed in a ceremony when a messenger from his family brought traditional gifts -- bolts of silk, rice wine and sea bream --to the Imperial Palace.

A senior courtier accepted the presents, met the Emperor, Empress and Princess Nori, and conveyed their message of acceptance. Similar gifts were to be delivered to Kuroda's family later.

A date for the wedding has not been set, but it is likely to take place this autumn.

It used to be said in Japan that an unmarried woman was like Christmas cake: no good after 25.

But Nori joins the growing ranks of Japanese women who are choosing to get married later, reflecting changes in society and the workplace and worrying policymakers concerned about a falling birthrate.

Census figures showed that in 2000, some 54 percent of Japanese women in their late 20s were unmarried, compared to only 24 percent two decades earlier.

Couples are also opting to have fewer children, or none at all. The average number of children a Japanese woman gives birth to in her lifetime fell to a record low of 1.29 in 2003.

Among women Princess Nori's age -- 35 to 39 -- 13.8 percent were single in 2000 compared to a scant 4.4 percent in 1980.

"Nobody in Japan thinks badly of Nori because she took until 35 to get married, though," said Harueko Kato, a professor at Tokyo Women's Christian University. "It merely reflects Japanese society these days."

Analysts said much of the change was due to the 1985 Equal Employment Opportunity Law, which opened more jobs to women. As a result, more females have entered the work force and become economically self-reliant.

But with few Japanese men offering to do housework and a shortage of daycare, many women find balancing work, home and children too much.

A survey by the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper recently showed 7 in 10 single women preferred to stay unwed.

Princess Nori, also known as Sayako, will have to leave the imperial family and the quiet palace in central Tokyo for good, about which she has expressed some anxiety.

But like other women her age, Nori insists she will keep her part-time job, at an ornithology institute east of Tokyo.  



















betroth: to promise to give in marriage(订婚,对结婚的承诺)

opt : to make a choice or decision(选择或决定)

daycare: provision of daytime training, supervision, recreation, and often medical services for children of preschool age, for the disabled, or for the elderly(日托,为学龄前儿童、残疾人或老年人提供的白天教育、管理、娱乐和常天的医疗服务)

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