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Updated: 2005-03-17 14:09

Diving prince Tian Liang's new fling revealed in hot kiss


Diving prince Tian Liang's new fling revealed in hot kiss

Chinese Olympic diving champion Tian Liang wows the media again with his new fling with diver Wu Minxia, long considered China's next diving queen, succeeding Guo Jingjing.

Tian and Wu was caught hugging and smooching in Tian's sedan on March 11, revealed by a notorious HK gossip magazine with the couple's intimate photo published strikingly on the cover.

According to the magazine, Tian picked Wu at her dormitory that night after finishing his daily training at Beijing's Tsing Hua University. The two later had their supper inside the car, in a bid to avoid the paparazzi.

So far, the two has not been available for comment, while the Emperor Entertainment Group, which has the rights to Tian, immediately denied the news, citing a simple and friendly dinner between the two former teammates of the national diving team.

The 19-year-old Wu, a Shanghai native, reportedly has good chemistry with her senior teammate Guo and used to serve as a 'love messenger' between Tian and Guo, who broke up shortly after the Athens Olympics 2004.

Wu and Guo won a gold in the 3-meter synchronized springboard at the Athens games.




intimate: having an extremely close relationship(亲切的,亲密的)

strikingly : in a striking manner(醒目地)

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