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Report on the Work of the Government (full text)
Updated: 2005-03-15 10:42

We will adhere to the basic principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems" and the eight-point proposal for the current stage of efforts to develop cross-Straits relations and promote peaceful reunification of the motherland, safeguard peace in the Taiwan Straits and facilitate steady development of cross-Straits relations. We encourage and promote visits by individuals and economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation across the Straits. We encourage and facilitate establishment of the "three direct links" between the two sides. We will continue working to restore consultation and negotiation between the two sides under the one-China principle and on the basis of equality. We will make the greatest possible effort to do anything conducive to the development of cross-Straits relations and the country's peaceful reunification. The Anti-Secession Law (draft), which will be submitted for your examination and approval, provides a full expression of our unvarying position, which is that we are working most sincerely and energetically to bring about peaceful reunification. This law represents the common will and strong determination of the entire Chinese people to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and never allow secessionist forces working for "Taiwan independence" to separate Taiwan from China under any name or by any means. We will work together with our Taiwan compatriots to accomplish the great undertaking of reunifying the motherland.

VII. Following the Road of Peaceful Development and an Independent Foreign Policy of Peace

The international situation is undergoing complex and profound changes. Peace and development remain the themes of our times. The road of China's socialist modernization drive is a road of peaceful development. China's intentions in taking this road are to take advantage of favorable conditions presented by world peace to develop itself and better safeguard and promote world peace through its development. China bases its development mainly on its own resources and its own restructuring and innovation efforts, while also taking an active part in economic globalization and regional cooperation. China will continue the process of opening up and promote cooperation with all other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, concentrate on development and work to preserve a long-term peaceful international environment and an excellent neighboring environment. China will never seek hegemony and will always remain a staunch force safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.

In taking the road of peaceful development, we must unswervingly hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, always follow an independent foreign policy of peace, and maintain friendly relations with all other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

We energetically worked to develop foreign relations on all fronts last year. We strove to develop an d maintain a peaceful and stable international environment, a friendly neighboring environment, a cooperative environment based on equality and mutual benefit, and a public opinion environment that is objective and friendly. We played a constructive role in dealing with a series of major issues with a bearing on world and regional security and development, and increased friendly contacts and mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries in the world. The friendship between the Chinese people and peoples of other countries grew. We made further contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.

This year we will continue to promote world multipolarization, democracy in international relations and diversity in development models, and encourage the progress of economic globalization in a direction conducive to the common prosperity of all nations. We will vigorously advocate multilateralism and a new concept of security, and oppose hegemony, power politics, and terrorism in all its manifestations. We will work for a new international order that is peaceful, stable, fair and equitable. We will deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with developing countries and safeguard the common interests we share with them. We will adhere to our policy of friendship and partnership with neighboring countries, strengthen friendly relations and cooperation with them and deepen regional cooperation. We will strengthen relations with developed countries, strive to expand areas of common interests and deal with differences appropriately. We will actively participate in international and multilateral diplomacy, safeguard and strengthen the authority and leading role of the United Nations and the UN Security Council, and work constructively in international and regional organizations. We will intensify economic diplomacy and expand cultural exchanges with other countries. We will vigorously protect the lives and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese nationals living abroad.

The Chinese government and people stand ready to work unremittingly with the people of all other nations to safeguard and promote the cause of world peace, development and progress.

Follow Deputies,

The people of all our ethnic groups are marching forward in high spirits on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have full confidence in the bright future of our great motherland. Under the leadership of the Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, let us hold high the great banners of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, unite with one heart and one mind, continue our concerted and unyielding efforts, and achieve further successes in reform, opening up and the modernization drive!

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