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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-01-31 14:05

Liu Xiang in a TV Commercial Film


Chinese Flying man Liu Xiang appeared in a TV shot in Shanghai on Saturday.

The Athens Olympics 110-meter hurdle champion Liu Xiang appeared in a TV commercial shot in Shanghai on Saturday.

The Coca Cola commercial reportedly cost almost 100 million yuan, about 12 million US dollars.

Others appearing in the advertisement included Hong Kong star Shawn Yue, girl band S.H.E and singer Pan Will from Taiwan.

Liu Xiang arrived at the set dressed in gym suit. Despite his fame as a national sports treasure, he looked shy and unassuming.

Yue, the S.H.E. girls and Pan were excited to be working with Liu saying that they were proud to have the opportunity to work with the athlete and were unable to fall asleep the night before shooting.




unassuming: exhibiting no pretensions, boastfulness, or ostentation; modest(谦逊的,不装腔作势的)

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