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Academicians vote for top ten science news
Updated: 2005-01-14 00:15

Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering ( CAE) have voted for top ten science news in 2004 in the world and in China, respectively.

The result of the 584 voters was publicized Thursday.

China's ten biggest science news include: the high-performance super server, the first Chinese-made nuclear power plant, the gas pipeline from West China to East China, the next-generation Internet, the launch of the second space exploration satellite, the new nano-tech material, the underwater high-precision positioning system, the find of membrane crystal structure, the quantum telecommunication technology, and the oil and gas exploration in the China seas.

Xu Kuangdi, CAE president, said that all the top ten science news in China concern social and economic development in China.

The world's ten biggest science news include: the finding of water traces on the Mars, the supersonic plane which reaches a highest speed of 10,000 kilometers per hour, the first spaceship tour to the orbit surrounding Saturn, the first stem cell cloned from human body, the first observation on a single electron, the technology manufacturing hydrogen in a large scale, photon-based telecommunication technology, the find of the most remote celestial body in the solar system, the anti-body research on AIDS virus, and the first molecular motor which could be ceased or paused.

Lu Yongxiang, CAS president, said the four news pieces on space science and technology in 2004 in the world are most impressive.

The academicians chose the world's and China's ten top news from 30 candidates in each category.

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