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Mel Gibson gets restraining order against man
Updated: 2004-10-02 11:02

Mel Gibson obtained a temporary restraining order against a man who allegedly showed up at his estate and the chapel he attends, demanding they pray together.

Australian movie superstar Mel Gibson is shown in Sydney in this April 22, 2002, file photo. [AP]
Zack Sinclair, 34, was arrested Sept. 20 for investigation of disorderly conduct and loitering and remained jailed Friday on $5,000 bail pending an Oct. 6 court hearing.

The restraining order was issued a day after his arrest, and bars him from coming within 150 yards of Gibson, his wife or their seven children. He also cannot contact the actor.

Sinclair allegedly went to the gate of Gibson's estate twice in September and asked to pray with the actor. He was first ordered away and then detained.

In a court filing, Gibson said the man interrupted his worship Sept. 19 at a chapel and "demanded that I pray with him." The filmmaker's bodyguard escorted Sinclair out.

Sinclair also allegedly sent letters to Gibson and his family in which he recounted his prayers for the actor, cited biblical verse and praised Gibson's movie "The Passion of the Christ."

"I continue to be extremely concerned for the safety of my family," Gibson said in the court filing.

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