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Updated: 2004-09-23 14:05

'Scorpion woman' breaks record



'Scorpion woman' breaks record
Kanchana Ketkeaw drapes herself with scorpions
Nur Malena Hassan is in a glass box with 6,069 scorpions
A Malaysian woman has broken a world record by spending 32 days in a glass box with more than 6,000 scorpions, her sponsor claimed on Tuesday.

Nur Malena Hassan, nicknamed Scorpion Queen, has been stung seven times since she began the stunt, in a shopping mall in Kuantan in central Pahang state.

With scorpions crawling over her body, Ms Hassan passes the time by reading, watching TV and waving to onlookers.

But she cannot make any sudden movement, or she could face the wrath of her treacherous roommates.

This is not the first time Nur Malena Hassan has drawn attention due to her penchant for scorpion stunts.

She achieved the world record in 2001, after living with 2,700 of the poisonous arachnids for 30 days.

But a year later, the title was usurped by Kanchana Ketkeaw of Thailand, who spent 31 days in a box with 3,400 scorpions.

This time Ms Hassan is determined to hold on to her crown.

Even though she has already achieved the world record, she plans to remain in the box until Saturday, according to the biscuit company which is sponsoring her stunt.

"We don't want her to lose focus, thinking that this is enough," said Bohari Rahmat, a spokesman for the company.

"If we can reach 36 days, it will be more difficult for someone else to beat us next time," he told the Associated Press news agency.

After five years of training, Ms Hassan has built up resistance to the scorpions' stings, but can still pass out if stung three times in quick succession.

"She was stung on her leg three times last Wednesday and could not walk, but she's [now] recovered," said Bohari Rahmat.

A doctor is on standby to treat her if necessary.

She even celebrated her 27th birthday in the box on Sunday.

"I feel a bit sad to celebrate my birthday without my family, but I'm happy that so many members of the public came to share it with me," Nur Malena told the French news agency AFP via mobile phone.

Since starting the stunt, she has only left her box once a day for a 15-minute toilet break, as well as a two minute break on Sunday to cut her birthday cake. 


stunt: A feat displaying unusual strength, skill, or daring(特技、绝技、超群的胆量)

shopping mall: A shopping center with stores and businesses facing a system of enclosed walkways for pedestrians(大型购物中心)

wrath: forceful, often vindictive anger(愤怒)

treacherous: Not to be relied on; not dependable or trustworthy(不可靠的,不可信任的,危险的)

penchant: a definite liking; a strong inclination(偏爱强烈的倾向,趣味)

arachnid: any of various arthropods of the class Arachnida, such as spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks, characterized by four pairs of segmented legs and a body that is divided into two regions, the cephalothorax and the abdomen.(属于蜘蛛类的节肢动物)

pass out: faint(昏倒) 

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