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Updated: 2004-09-15 14:22

Maria Sharapova holds court at "Wimbledon" premiere



Professional tennis player Maria Sharapova
Actor Matthew Perry, star of the television comedy series 'Friends,' poses with tennis player Maria Sharapova, the 2004 women's champion at Wimbledon, during the premiere of the new film 'Wimbledon', in Beverly Hills September 13, 2004. The film about the high stakes world of professional tennis stars Kirsten Dunst and Paul Bettany. The film opens September 17 in the United States.

Kirsten Dunst stars in the new romantic comedy Wimbledon, but the Hollywood actress was joined by the British tennis tournament's stunning real-life champ at the movie's Los Angeles premiere.

Statuesque Maria Sharapova, who took home the Wimbledon crown earlier this summer, showed she has more than her share of off-court style in a dark blue dress and stiletto heels. And the Russian blonde wasn't lacking in famous admirers, either, as she rubbed elbows with Friends actor Matthew Perry, whose pals include fellow tennis star Jennifer Capriati.

Wimbledon's leading man, 33-year-old Paul Bettany, brought along his true leading lady, wife Jennifer Connelly, to the Monday night screening. But it was co-star Kirsten, 22, his romantic interest in the movie, who has been singing the British actor's praises.

"It's a delicate balance, because it's so easy to go over the top," she says of the love story. "But with Paul, he's so adorable and respectful. I just cannot say enough nice things about him."



premiere: the first public performance of a play or movie(首次公演)

stiletto heels : a very high narrow heel on women's shoes(细鞋跟)

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