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Updated: 2004-09-13 14:55

"Vera Drake" catches Golden Lion at Venice Film Festival



"Vera Drake" catches Golden Lion at Venice Film Festival
British actress Imelda Staunton receives the Coppa Volpi for the Best Actress at the Fenice theatre in Venice September 11, 2004. Staunton stars in British director Mike Leigh's movie "Vera Drake," which won the Golden Lion for the Best Film at the Venice film festival. (Xinhua)
British director Mike Leigh's "Vera Drake", a movie portraying a back-street abortionist in 1950s London, won the top prize on Saturday for the best film at the 61st Venice International Film Festival.

British stage and film actress Imelda Staunton won the best actress award for her role in the movie.

"In a cynical world, it is a wonderful thing and most reassuring when low-budget, serious, committed, independent European films are recognized and encouraged in this way to reach their audience," said 61-year-old Leigh as he accepted the prize.


评委会大奖(银狮奖):《出海》(《Mar Adentro》)(西班牙)

最佳导演特别奖(银狮奖):金基德 《空房间》(《3-iron》)(韩国)



  最佳新人:马可·卢易斯(Marco Luisi)和托马索·拉门格(Tommaso Ramenghi) 《缓慢工作》(《Lavorare con lentezza》)

  杰出技术贡献奖:宫崎骏《哈尔的移动城堡》(《Howl's Moving Castle》)(日本)



reassuring : restoring confidence and relieving anxiety(令人恢复信心的,令人安心的)

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