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Updated: 2004-08-30 15:03

Backstreet Boys to dance with Beijing fans

美国超级流行音乐组合后街男孩“舞夜相约”2004北京演唱会将于9月24日在国家奥林匹克体育中心体育场举行。这也是今年继美国流行天后惠特尼·休斯顿之后,第二个欧美流行歌坛顶级偶像在北京亮相。他们此次中国巡演是其3年来的首次世界巡演,也是第一次中国巡演,随后还将赴上海演出。这支乐队重组后的第一次演唱将成为献给中国的“中秋节”和“国庆” 的双重好礼。


Just one month after pop diva Whitney Houston treated Beijing music fans to a live concert, American pop band, Backstreet Boys, are set to rock the Chinese capital. China Radio International reported Monday.

The popular all-boy group will stage its first performance in China on September 24th with a follow-up performance in Shanghai on the 26th.

In addition hundreds of Beijing fans will be given the chance to dance with their idols during the concert at the Olympic Sports Center, which goes under the title of "Dance Storm".



diva: a prima donna, a distinguished female operatic singer; a female operatic star(歌剧中的首席女主角)

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