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Asian Cup: We're the boss, Haan tells Iran
Updated: 2004-08-02 15:53

Coach Arie Haan has delivered a message to his Iranian counterpart Branko Ivankovic on the eve of their Asian Cup semi-final showdown -- we're the hosts and we're the boss.

Ivankovic's confident team will be in the bull pit when they take the field against China at Workers' Stadium in Beijing on Tuesday.

Haan called on Chinese fans to get behind their team in the quest for a first Asian Cup final berth since 1984.

"You must not forget one thing. In this Asian Cup, China is the boss, we are the hosts of the tournament," he said.

"We must use the home field advantage. So we must exert our will in the match and play the match in accordance with our rhythm."

The former Dutch international, who watched Iran topple South Korea 4-3 in their quarter-final in Jinan on Saturday night, said he had learned lessons from the game.

"As far as I'm concerned we should learn from the tactics that South Korea used," he said.

"What was strange is that the Koreans came out with a defensive strategy and based their counter attack on this.

"I think that at times the South Korean team didn't play normally because if they would have given more pressure to Iran earlier, then they would not have lost so many balls."

Ivankovic acknowledged China would benefit from the extra man with home support and said his team would need lady luck on their side.

"He (Haan) is a very smart man and I know he will prepare his team well," he said.

"If I want to beat him, I will need a little luck."

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