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Jackie Chan's new film 'The Myth'
Updated: 2004-07-02 10:30

(L-R): Hong Kong actor Leung Ka-Fai,director Stanley Tong, Jackie Chan, and Indian actress Mallika Sherawat [sina]  

Shooting of Jackie Chan's The Myth has restarted at a production complex of Shanghai Film Studios. An opening ceremony was held yesterday, with Jackie Chan, director Stanley Tong, Hong Kong actor Leung Ka-Fai and Indian actress Mallika Sherawat. Jackie Chan will take two roles in the film - a modern day Indiana Jones type of archeologist and a Qin Dynasty (3rd Century B.C.) general Meng Yi. Mallika Sherawat will play Samantha, an ancient beauty. Korean actress Kim Hee-Sun, reportely, is no longer attached to the project. [sina]

Jackie Chan's new film 'The Myth'
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