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Experts calls for regional environmental system
Updated: 2004-06-19 11:09

Nearly one hundred officials and experts called for establishing a regional environmental cooperation system beyond the limitation of regional administrative boundaries at the International Forum on Regional Environmental Cooperation, (IFREC) which was held in Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang Province, on Friday.

"To search for solutions to the problems of environment and development beyond regional boundaries by regional cooperation will produce a real win-win result," said Chen Qingtai, deputy director with the Development Research Center of the State Council.

"Although to realize the goal of scientific development is the common course of China, developed regions should shoulder more responsibilities," said Chen.

"Based on international experiences, the level of governmental administration and public environmental concept are the key factors in solving regional environmental problems," said Daniel Dudek, chief economist of the Environmental Defense Federation (EDF) of the United States.

"In this sense, China's Yangtze River Delta region has boasted such conditions," said the economist.

A written proposal to explore an effective system of regional environmental cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta Region was issued at the forum.

Nearly one hundred officials and experts from the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Development Research Center of the State Council, the Ministry of Science and Technology and East China's Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces and Shanghai Municipality attended the forum, which was sponsored by the People's Daily (Overseas Edition), the EDF and the School of Public Policy and Management of Qinghua University.

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