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Minister: SME development to accelerate
By Xie Chuanjiao (China Daily)
Updated: 2004-06-03 08:48

National Development and Reform Commission Minister Ma Kai yesterday pledged China will accelerate the development of its small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in a fair environment.

Ma made the assurance yesterday at the opening ceremony of the Third Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Medium and Small Enterprises Technology Conference Fair (APEC METC) in port city of Qingdao in East China's Shandong Province.

Since China launched its reform and opening policy in 1978, small and medium-sized enterprises have registered a rapid growth and become an essential part of the national economy, said Ma. He added that, along with ensuring a fair environment for the development of SMEs in line with the SMEs Promotion Law, the central government would also promote the establishment of various social service systems.

The country will also facilitate the development of SMEs, and enhance their overall capacity and competitiveness.

More than 10 million SMEs are registered with the Administration for Industrial and Commerce.

SMEs contribute 50 per cent of gross domestic product in terms of the value of end products and services, 60 per cent of China's exports and 43 per cent of its tax revenue.

SMEs also employ 75 per cent of the urban workforce, gradually becoming a major source of more job opportunities.

The central government has adopted a series of measures to encourage the development of SMEs, including formulating relevant laws and regulations,  improving administrative mechanism, gradually intensifying financial support, improving the financial environment and facilitating the establishment of service systems, said Ma.

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