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Imported films out for school holidays
Updated: 2004-05-18 10:51

Imported films will be banned in Chinese mainland cinemas in July and October, the school holiday period. 

The poster of the film "Spiderman 2" [file photo]
The ban has been imposed by the State Administration of Radio, Film and TV which recently limited imports of overseas productions to make the screen less sexy and violent and benefit the healthy development of youngsters.

In accord with the new policy, "Troy" will be moved up to June 12 but the show time for the other two major imports, "Spiderman 2" and "Harry Potter 3" will have to be delayed, according to China Film Company, an overseas-film release firm based in Beijing.

The company's import department manager, Zhou Tiedong, said "Spiderman 2" is likely to be put off until August and the date for "Harry Potter 3" has not been set.

The film "Troy," starring Brad Pitt [file photo]
The new rules received mixed responses.

"I am encouraged about the news because it works to the advantage of home-made films," said Sun Baoming, general supervisor with Shanghai Film Group Company.

According to Sun, the code helps upgrade the market value and film quality of domestic productions.

"Audiences, especially young viewers, need to be cultivated," he said. "We should not lose national culture."

Gu Min, an off icial from Shanghai United Cinema Company, disagreed.

"A well-developed film market is supposed to offer variety.

The poster of the film "Harry Potter 3" [file photo]
That's why we had "Cold Mountain" and "Koma" (a Hong Kong film) in the Labor Day holidays," Gu said.

"I believe fine culture from Western countries is similarly beneficial to our own civilization."

Free of foreign competition, home-made films will have a good chance to grab the national market.

"Shi Mian Mai Fu", or "Lovers" in its English form, directed by Zhang Yimou, will make its world debut on July 14.

Another Hong Kong film, "2046", now competing at the Cannes Film Festival in France, is scheduled for the National Day holidays in October.

But cinema companies say a drop in box-office revenue is inevitable without "Spiderman" and "Harry Potter."

"Such films are most attractive to school students who would like to see the movies during the summer holidays," said Xu Youlin, sales manager of Shanghai Kodak Cinema World Company.

The ban also gives a chance to pirates.

"What a pity that I can not enjoy the better sound effects in the cinema, but it is certain I can buy pirate VCDs," said Tu Yaowen, a 17-year-old high school student.

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