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Airbus A380 to be in use on Chinese routes
Updated: 2004-04-11 09:07

The biggest aircraft in the world Airbus A380 will be assembled since May. Quite a few airline companies are expected to put the jumble aircraft in use on Chinese routes.

"Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and Shanghai World Expo in 2010 will further promote China's aviation development. China is the most exciting market in the world. I believe the aircraft with 555 seats will be the ideal transportation vehicle for thousands of athletes, sport fans, business people and tourists by 2008," said Laurence Barron, senior vice president of Airbus and president of Airbus China.

Both Chinese airlines and foreign companies are expected to putA380 in operation on Chinese routes. Some Chinese airlines expressed positive attitude towards A380, with which will mainly be used on Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong routes.

According to Airbus, the total number of confirmed orders from 11 customers reached 129 by now, far beyond the expectation of theinternational aviation circle.

Barron said, China is now taking part for A380 assembling, withJinling Shipyard building ships for carrying major assembling parts of the aircraft together.

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