It's commonly known that the Chinese invented chopsticks (or kuaizi in
Chinese) as a set of instruments to be used when eating but the reason behind
that is not commonly known. Actually, the Chinese were taught to use chopsticks
long before spoons and forks were invented in Europe (the knife is older, not as
an instrument for dining but as weapon). Chopsticks were strongly advocated by
the great Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479BC). Chinese people, under the
cultivation of Confucianism, consider the knife and fork bearing sort of
violence, like cold weapons. However, chopsticks reflect gentleness and
benevolence, the main moral teaching of Confucianism. Therefore, instruments
used for killing must be banned from the dining table, and that is why Chinese
food is always chopped into bite size before it reaches the table.
Eating Chinese food would not be as enjoyable if the wrong utensils were
used. Using two slim and slippery sticks to pick up grains of rice and little
pieces of meat and vegetables is actually not a difficult task to accomplish. In
fact, there are foreigners who are as competent in using the chopsticks as the
The truth of using chopsticks is holding one chopstick in place while
pivoting the other one to pick up a morsel. How to position the chopsticks is
the course you have to learn. First, place the first chopstick so that thicker
part rests at the base of your thumb and the thinner part rests on the lower
side of your middle fingertip. Then, bring your thumb forward so that the stick
will be firmly trapped in place. At least two or three inches of chopstick of
the thinner end should extend beyond your fingertip. Next, position the other
chopstick so that it is held against the side of your index finger and by the
end of your thumb. Check whether the ends of the chopsticks are even. If not,
then tap the thinner parts on the plate to make them even.
When dining with Chinese friends or business partners, it is always better
for foreigners to try learning how to maneuver the chopsticks. You should only
ask for a fork and spoon if all else fails. Using chopsticks to eat rice is a
problem to most foreigners. Generally the tip to eat rice is to bring one's rice
bowl close to one's mouth and quickly scoop the rice into it with one's
chopsticks. Since this is difficult for foreigners, and so simply lifting
portions of rice to the mouth from the bowl held in the other hand is perfectly
There are superstitions associated with chopsticks too.
If you find an uneven pair at your table setting, it means you are going to miss
a boat, plane or train. Dropping chopsticks will inevitably bring bad luck.
Crossed chopsticks are, however, permissible in a dim sum restaurant. The waiter
will cross them to show that your bill has been settled, or you can do the same
to show the waiter that you have finished and are ready to pay the bill.
