
Freeing up potential
 Updated: 2004-01-01 06:56

China's first ever conference on talented professionals was held in Beijing from December 19 to 20.


It was aimed at helping the country create a more skilled professional work force.


During the conference, improving the nation's legal framework was stressed, so the country's human resources can be better tapped.


Although China has relevant laws and regulations in this respect, they cannot meet the present requirement of social and economic development and the country's strategy of sharpening its competitiveness by fostering more talented professionals.


First, more laws and regulations in this aspect should be drafted given the fact that the small number of relevant laws are no longer able to meet demand.


Issues such as the training of professionals and management of human resources are mentioned in some general laws, like the education, labour, intellectual property right and corporate laws. But special laws that govern appraisal, employment and the management of professionals are lacking.


Meanwhile, many laws and regulations that have professional management-related content have been drafted by administrative departments or local authorities. But there is a lack of high-profile laws drafted by the National People's Congress, the country's top legislature.


Lack of such laws will make it difficult for labour dispute arbitration departments or courts to carry out their work.


Second, many articles of laws and regulations related to professional management are too general to implement. They are principles rather than workable stipulations.


Third, the current laws have few punishment provisions for illegal practices, which affects the authority and binding force of the laws.


And some articles under the current laws and regulations were drafted during the planned economy period, meaning they cannot live up to social development requirements.


(China Daily)



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