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Yao Ming's condition lost in translation
Updated: 2003-09-09 10:46

The Rockets' star center was said to be suffering from hypertension, but new information points to that being an error in translation on the part of the Chinese.

Yao Ming's condition lost in translation

After hearing over and over again how "tired" Yao Ming was last season, Rockets fans were less than enthused at the news that broke a little over a week ago. The latest report out of China said that Yao Ming was suffering from hypertension and was considering cutting his professional basketball career short because his body could not take the pounding of both the NBA and Chinese schedules. The report said that Yao Ming was having issues with blood pressure and exhaustion, but the real problem seems to have been lost in translation. In order to clear up the confusion, Yao Ming recently released the following statement:

"As I'm sure many of you have heard, it's been reported that I have high blood pressure. Well, I wanted to reassure all of you that my health condition has been greatly exaggerated in the news and rumors that I suffer from hypertension are false. I have been traveling with the Chinese National Team nonstop for 3 weeks, playing every other day in a different city throughout China and Hong Kong. I have been exhausted because of the grueling playing schedule and the poor security on and off the court. But now that I am back in Beijing and have had some time to rest, I feel back to normal."

This comes as welcome news to Rockets fans, but there is an underlying concern that is not being voiced. How long can Yao Ming endure the arduous demands of life in the NBA and playing these kinds of games for China, as well? It certainly does not bode well for the longevity of his career. Realize that Hakeem Olajuwon developed all kinds of health issues late in his career, and he was not playing a strenuous summer schedule. Shaquille O'Neal's body is already starting to tell him the end is near, and he is not playing another full season of basketball during the NBA's off season.

It would seem that sooner or later Yao Ming is going to have to make a choice. He's going to have to either play exclusively for the NBA or give up his dream of playing in the world's best league to pursue a secondary career as a Chinese national player. It's hard to imagine a player giving up the dream of an NBA championship to play second-rate ball in a lesser league, but China's hold on Yao Ming may force him to take that course. Whatever he winds up choosing, the Rockets or his Chinese team, it is certain that this particular issue has been avoided. The Chinese reports of Yao having high blood pressure and suffering from hypertension were little more than errors in translation. The Rockets' best hope of making the playoffs will be in uniform when the team opens its new arena in October. I know I'll sleep easier knowing that.

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