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China to promote Mideast peace process
( 2003-07-11 06:45) (China Daily)

China Thursday reiterated its willingness to play an active role to promote the Middle East peace process with joint efforts by the international community.

While meeting visiting Palestinian Foreign Minister Nabil Shaath, Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing said the Palestine-Israel problem has now entered a new phase, adding that China appreciated Palestine's flexible and practical attitude on the resumption of peace talks.

Li appraised the sound development of the traditional friendship between China and Palestine.

Shaath briefed Li on the current situation in the Middle East, saying Palestine appreciated China's efforts on the Middle East problem and urged China to continue to promote the peace process.

Shaath said Palestine is working to end its conflict with Israel and to implement the roadmap for peace.

Shaath appreciated China's consistent policy of support the just cause of the Palestinian and Arab peoples, calling for support from the international community including China in the peace process.

The roadmap, formally presented by the diplomatic quartet of the United Nations (UN), United States, European Union and Russian Federation calls for a series of parallel steps by the Palestinians and Israelis over the next three years toward realizing the vision of two states -- Palestine and Israel.

Shaath is today scheduled to meet Chinese Vice-President Zeng Qinghong and Minister of Commerce Lu Fuyuan.

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