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Rising trade between Zhuhai, Macao
( 2003-12-22 16:44) (Xinhua)

A 15.8-percent annual growth was reported in trade between Macao and Zhuhai when people celebrated the fourth anniversary of Macao's return to China.

Zhuhai is the nearest city to Macao on the Chinese mainland.

Trade between the two cities was 230 million US dollars in 1999, but shot to 310 million US dollars in 2002.

In the first 11 months of the year, according to Zhuhai customs statistics, the trade volume climbed to 350 million US dollars, an increase of 24.9 percent from the same period last year, with Zhuhai's imports up 5 percent to 48.86 million US dollars.

Garments, machine and electronic products comprised most of the goods shipped to Macao, while Zhuhai imported textile raw materials and garments.

Zhuhai under jurisdiction of Guangdong Province is also one of the country's five special economic zones.

Analysts are optimistic about faster growth in the trade between the two cities with the implementation of the arrangement for closer economic ties between the mainland and Macao beginning Jan. 1 next year.

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