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Picasso promoting "Lady With A Fan"
( 2003-12-05 10:54) (newyorker.com)

The Entertainment Channel(EC): First of all, we loved ¡°Lady with a Fan.¡±

Lady with a fan, Pablo Picasso.1905. Oil on canvas
Picasso: Thank you. People seem to be very excited by the painting, and the test scores have been great.

E.C.: What was it like painting ¡°Lady with a Fan¡±?

Picasso: Very, very exciting. I was excited by the prospect of painting it and working with so many exciting people, the paint people, the canvas stretcher . . .

E.C.: So it was a very exciting project for you.

Picasso: Yes, I was really excited. Sometimes I was more excited, and sometimes I was less excited . . .

E.C.: But you were always excited?

Picasso: Oh, yes, always excited. That¡¯s a good way to put it.

E.C.: And the model?

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Picasso: Oh, my God, I almost left her out. That¡¯s hilarious. I¡¯ve so admired her posing through the years and finally I got a chance to work with her. I actually loved going to the studio every day.

E.C.: Tell us what she¡¯s like.

Picasso: Oh, she¡¯s so down-to-earth. You would expect her to be aloof and distant, but she wasn¡¯t like that at all.

E.C.: Were there sparks?

Picasso: Oh, boy, this is a tough interview! (Laughter) Actually we liked each other a lot, but that¡¯s as far as it went. I have a rule about dating my models.

E.C.: We talked with her and she said, ¡°Picasso was great to work with. We laughed and laughed.¡± What did you laugh about? Any anecdotes?

Picasso: Gee. Hmm. Oh, yeah. Once, I told her I needed her to be nude. Well, you should have seen the look on her face. Of course I told her immediately that I was just kidding.

E.C.: That¡¯s hilarious.

Picasso: It was really, really funny.

E.C.: ¡°Lady with a Fan¡± is so different from the other work you¡¯ve been doing. Do you think your audience will accept it?

Picasso: Well, I really wanted to flex some new muscles and I hope the public will go along with me.

E.C.: There are a lot of other pictures opening on the same day. Matisse has ¡°The Green Stripe,¡± and Vlaminck has a fine still-life. Are you worried about the competition?

Picasso: Well, I¡¯m sure Matisse¡¯s picture is very, very cute. And, basically, Vlaminck stinks.

E.C.: Whoa! Don¡¯t hold back now¡ªjust say what you think!


E.C.: Pablo?

Picasso: Yes?

E.C.: Why a fan?

Picasso: Oh, boy, everyone asks me that. I guess I didn¡¯t want to call the picture ¡°Lady with a Banana.¡± No, I¡¯m kidding.

E.C.: Oh, my god, that¡¯s hilarious.

Picasso: No, seriously, the fan was chosen because it is a symbol of femininity, because it balances the picture compositionally, and because I posed her hand in the classic religious position referencing Leonardo¡¯s ¡°Madonna of the Rocks,¡± except I wanted her to be holding a secular object.

E.C.: Uh-huh. (Pause) What¡¯s next for a Pablo Picasso?

Picasso: Well, I would like to do some less serious paintings. ¡°Lady with a Fan¡± is actually quite a profound picture, and I would like to stretch a bit and show that I don¡¯t just do one thing.

E.C.: Thank you, Pablo Picasso. (Turns to camera) ¡°Lady with a Fan¡± can be seen at the National Gallery for the next one thousand or so years.

Pablo, could you just look into the camera and say, ¡°Hi, I¡¯m Pablo Picasso, be sure to watch me on The Entertainment Channel!¡±

Picasso: Sure. Could I say hello to Gertrude Stein?

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