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Radio's future aired at forum
( 2003-10-21 09:08) (China Daily)

A two-day forum on radio development opened yesterday in Beijing, with at least 150 professionals from home and abroad in attendance.

Sponsored by China National Radio, the forum is discussing the status and development of radio as a medium, radio management, branding and promotion, as well as the application of the latest technology.

The year 2003 has been designated China Radio Development Year by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Hu Zhanfan, deputy director of the administration, said at the forum that this year's goals are to increase the number of radio listeners, raise radio revenues, strengthen its influence and enhance its status.

And the forum will provide an opportunity for radio professionals from around the world to exchange experiences and strengthen co-operation, Hu said.

China National Radio, founded in December 1940, is the only State-owned radio station covering the whole country. It has eight channels and broadcasts a total of 156 hours per day by satellite.

By the end of last year, China had 306 radio stations, which broadcast on 1,933 frequencies, covering 93.21 per cent of the country's population.

A national survey by the China Mainland Marketing Research Company in July 2001 showed 15.4 per cent of the population listened to the radio while driving or taking taxis. This translates to 80 million listeners each month.

And this number is expected to increase as more people buy their own cars.

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