China regrets meeting on Tibet in Czech ( 2003-10-21 01:58) (China Daily)
China has expressed regret over the Fourth International Conference of Tibet
Support Groups, which was held on Sunday in the Czech Republic.
 Zhang Qiyue (file
| Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said Tuesday in Beijing the Dalai
Lama has been engaged in separatist activities and has been pushing for the
internationalization of the Tibet issue in order to create favourable conditions
for the "independence of Tibet.''
Zhang referred to the conference as just one of his tricks.
China opposes the fact that some countries having diplomatic ties with China
accommodate and provide venues for the Dalai Lama's separatist activities, said
the spokeswoman.
China lodged representations with the Czech side prior to the conference, and
the Czech Foreign Ministry reiterated that it stuck to the position that Tibet
is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory and the Czech Government would
not interfere in China's internal affairs, said Zhang.
The Czech Foreign Ministry also made a commitment that Czech Government
leaders would not participate in the conference.
China appreciated the Czech Republic's commitment, but still regretted the
hosting of the conference, said Zhang.