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Federal authorities to investigate deadly NY ferry crash
( 2003-10-16 15:26) (Agencies)

Federal authorities will step in to investigate the crash of a commuter ferry that killed at least 10 people, injured many others and forced some panicked passengers to plunge into the cold waters of New York Bay.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg planned to meet on Thursday with members of the National Transportation Safety Board, which will seek to find out why the ferry slammed into the New York's Staten Island terminal and sent at least 42 people to hospitals, many with "crush" injuries.

At least three people were listed in critical condition, including the boat's assistant captain, who underwent surgery, hospital officials said.

Police sources told local media that the assistant captain left the scene of the crash and tried to kill himself by shooting himself in the head with a pellet gun and slitting his wrists. One ferry worker who said he was standing near the assistant captain when the boat crashed said the man cursed, shut off the ferry's engine and fled.

Bloomberg would not comment on the reports but said the man was alive and being questioned. All of the 16-member crew would be tested for drugs and alcohol, he said.

"There's nothing to indicate this is anything other than a tragic accident," said Bloomberg.

The ferry was docking in winds gusting at 45 miles per hour and witnesses said it was traveling at high speed as it neared the terminal.

Most commuters from the residential borough of Staten Island rely on the free ferry to get to work and schools in Manhattan. It carries some 65,000 people daily, passing such well-known landmarks as the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island and providing picturesque views of the city's skyline.

The crash at the end of the 5-minute, 5.2-mile run from Manhattan tore a huge gash down the side of the ferry. Many people on board panicked, and some jumped overboard, witnesses said.

An estimated 1,500 people were on board the boat which can carry up to 6,000 people.

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