Alcohol control during pregnancy ( 2003-10-10 14:39) (Beijing Weekend) In my area of medicine,
obstetrics, I believe the fear of alcohol can on occasions cause more distress
than is justified.
Pregnant women who are hardline alcoholics have a very poor record. Their
rate of miscarriage and prematurity is very high. In addition to this, the
babies born from this unfortunate situation can suffer from Fetal Alcohol
Syndrome. The children have facial deformities, learning and social problems and
often have a troubled life.
Alcoholic women in addition to consuming alcohol may indulge in other
activities that are not suitable for a mother-to-be. Heavy smoking, multiple
sexual partners and the use of other drugs can complicate and add to the insults
to the unborn child. This is obviously contemptible behaviour and has to be
The unfortunate thing is that a young woman with an exemplary lifestyle finds
that she is pregnant and then remembers that she had a glass of wine at dinner
one night in the last week. At this point total panic sets in and she rushes in
to see me with big swollen eyes from crying herself to sleep the night before
and asks me whether she should have an abortion.
The answer to this question is a resounding "NO". There is no evidence at all
that this minimal exposure to alcohol has any effect on the pregnancy at all.
The glass of wine on a Friday night drinking is not to be equated with the
results of the "litre a day of vodka" pregnancies. Interestingly, most women
find the smell and taste of alcohol distasteful during pregnancy and stop all
drinking for this reason.
I am a firm believer in listening to the signals from your own body. If a
woman decides to give up all alcohol during pregnancy, just to be on the safe
side, I think that this is wonderful and should be encouraged. To thrash
yourself because you have had an occasional drink is not healthy or rational.
Everybody knows the essential truth about alcohol. Moderate occasional use is
harmless and may possibly have mild health benefits. I think that doctors are
reluctant to make this point as we feel it will be taken as the excuse for
excessive consumption.