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Yao shows up at Rockets training camp
( 2003-10-07 10:30) (Agencies)

Yao Ming made it for the last workout the Houston Rockets would have before exhibition games begin.

That was OK with new coach Jeff Van Gundy.

Even though Yao missed the first 10 workouts of training camp, the 7-foot-6 center was welcomed to the team Monday.

"It's only his first day," Van Gundy said. "Obviously he's very good. You don't believe the size of him until you actually see him.

"I've been around (former New York Knicks center Patrick) Ewing for a long time and he dwarfs him, so that's pretty big."

Yao arrived in Houston on Sunday night and went immediately for physicals. He was then taken to the Texas A&M-Galveston, about 60 miles away, for the Rockets' final preseason workout before beginning exhibition play Tuesday night at Portland.

Monday's workout was a long drill as Van Gundy tried to force-feed Yao the Rockets' new philosophy.

Asked how he felt after leading China's national team in the Asian Games and then rushing to Houston to join his NBA teammates, Yao said, "I feel about 50 to 60 percent right now.

"First of all, I'm already a bit tired," he said. "I've been practicing the whole summer and we've had a lot of competition. These weren't just normal competitions. There's a lot of pressure involved. We had to win the championship."

The Chinese team's showing in the Asian Games earned them a spot in the 2004 Olympics in Athens.

Ewing, now a Rockets assistant coach, was impressed by Yao, despite just one workout with his new protege.

"Some people are late bloomers, some are early bloomers," Ewing said. "Who's to say when Yao or anybody else will kick their game to the next level. All we can do is teach him the things he needs to get to the next level."

Ewing said he couldn't offer much of a critique of Yao after just one practice.

"He just basically needs to work on his overall game, positioning on the floor, posting up deeper defensively," Ewing said. "Sometimes today a guy would cut off the way he positioned his body. I can show him the right techniques to keep him out of foul trouble. He's a very good player. He's 7-foot-6 and he has great touch."

Yao arrived two weeks earlier than a year ago, when he was the No. 1 pick in the NBA draft. He went on to average 13.5 points and 8.2 rebounds and was runner-up to Amare Stoudemire for Rookie of the Year.

Yao said it appeared Van Gundy would stress defense and that he looked forward to working with Ewing.

"I think I have to learn slowly," Yao said. Ewing has "got a lot to teach me and it will take quite awhile."

Van Gundy said Yao likely would not play in the exhibition opener.

Does Yao object?

"I don't mind," he said. "I just hope the people still buy tickets."

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