Unpaid workers climb crane in protest ( 2003-09-19 14:31) (China Daily)
Three construction workers who climbed up a 30 metre-tall tower crane in
Dalian last Saturday in a dramatic attempt to force their employer to pay them
overdue wages were arrested by police for disrupting social order, reports
Dalian Evening News.
The three migrant workers stood atop the crane and threatened to jump if
their boss refused to pay the wages owed them, while hundreds of passers-by and
fellow workers gathered below to watch. Several other construction sites in the
immediate vicinity had to bring their operations to a halt during the stand-off.
Police arrested the three men and two other workers who had put them up to
the stunt.
Two of the three workers, Zheng and Zhang, later confessed that they had once
successfully received overdue wages using the same tactic at another
construction site
The five spent three to five days in police custody.