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Airbus pins high hopes on China
( 2003-09-18 09:04) (China Daily)

Despite a downturn in the international market, European-based aircraft powerhouse Airbus has expressed full confidence in China's burgeoning aviation industry and is optimistic about the prospects for its huge double- decker A380 within the country.

Yesterday at the 2003 China Aviation Exposition, Airbus China President Guy McLeod said: "China's airline industry will grow rapidly and the A380 will be a wise choice for airline operations on trunk routes between the hubs of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other major Chinese cities, as well as on the international network."

According to McLeod, the country is an exciting market and the A380 is an equally exciting aircraft. Airbus is looking forward to seeing A380s, painted with the colours of Chinese airlines, being used during the Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai World Expo.

Although the airline industry has been struggling for some time now, culminating with the spread of the SARS virus, it has seen some improvement in recent months.

"But the interest and commitment of our customers to the A380 programme is not being diluted by any crisis," Rossella Daverio, Airbus' senior vice-president of communications, stressed yesterday.

"On the contrary, in view of the changing environment, an aircraft able to bring economics in operational costs, while offering high standards for passengers and lower levels of pollution, is what the airlines are looking for."

Peter Emmerich, chief representative in China of Lufthansa German Airlines, also backs the A380. He said local airlines will sooner or later realize the benefits of the plane.

"We have made 15 firm orders for the aircraft and I think quite a number of them will be put into the Chinese market," Emmerich said.

Airbus launched the A380, which can carry 555 passengers, in December 2000. It will enter service in 2006. To date, 11 customers have announced firm commitments for a total of 129 A380s.

Also at yesterday's air show, the US-based aviation giant Boeing Co, Airbus' global arch-rival, released more specifications about its proposed "super efficient" 7E7 - a moderately sized, fuel efficient, comfortable passenger jet.

Boeing will convene a global supplier meeting in November to look for potential partners in the future manufacturing of the "Dreamliner."

"The decision about global partners will be hammered out later this year or early next. We will be happy to see our Chinese counterparts getting involved in the programme," said David Wang, president of Boeing China.

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