Vengeful villager poisons 24 cattle ( 2003-09-17 16:53) (China Daily)
A man in Yining of Guangxi, has been sentenced to five years in jail for
poisoning 24 head of cattle in the belief that his neighbours scorned him,
reports Nanguo Morning Post.
Gan bore a grudge against his neighbours as they often cursed him whenever
his cattle were seen grazing in their fields.
Gan, who has no son, thought the other villagers looked down on him for his
lot in life and merely used the cattle as an excuse to criticize him. So he
decided to get his revenge.
In late 2000, he bought rat poison and mixed it with some cattle feed.
Whenever he saw a neighbour's animal walking alone, he would offer it the
poisoned feed.
When someone later realized that Gan's cattle never suffered as their's did,
the villagers reported him to police.