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US troops land in Philippines for war exercises
( 2003-09-14 15:38) (Agencies)

U.S. military ships carrying 1,500 Marines steamed into the former American naval base in Subic on Sunday for joint exercises with the Philippines, underlining its status as one of Washington's staunchest allies.

Officials said the week-long maneuvers near Manila starting on Monday were part of regular military exercises and not related to the U.S. training of local soldiers on the southern island of Mindanao to help their fight against Muslim rebel groups.

The exercises take place a month before President Bush visits Manila to discuss anti-terror cooperation with President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

"This exercise is designed to improve the readiness skills and inter-operability between the armed forces of the Philippines and the United States," U.S. military spokesman Lieutenant Tryiokasus Brown told Reuters, adding that it would also involve about 600 Filipino soldiers.

The Philippines is battling communist rebels and Muslim separatists, some of whom are linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network.

The Japan-based U.S. marines, from Okinawa, arrived at Subic port aboard the USS Fort McHenry, an amphibious transport ship, and two support vessels.

Subic, 80 km (50 miles) north of Manila, was formerly the site of a U.S. navy base but was turned into an industrial zone after the Americans pulled out in 1992, ending nearly a century of presence in their former colony.

Asked if the latest exercise was part of the two countries' anti-terror efforts, Brown said: "Absolutely not."

He said the exercise to be held in four separate areas on the main Philippine island of Luzon, including Manila Bay, would include live firing, air support maneuvers and amphibious landings.

Bush is scheduled to arrive in Manila for an eight-hour visit on October 18 on his way to Thailand to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.

His visit will be marked by the signing of agreements, including development aid for war-torn Mindanao.

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