Millionaire woman starts education ( 2003-09-10 12:42) (China Daily) A 40-something millionaire in
Shandong Province has just entered her sixth year of schooling, reports Shandong
Business News.
Jiang Qingzhi and her husband, who own a manure factory, are the wealthiest
family in Dongdiezhuang Village.
As a child, Jiang was too poor to attend school and could not even write her
own name.
But in 1998 she decided to get an education starting from the very beginning.
She joined a class of more than 20 six and seven-year-olds at a primary school.
Her teacher was just 18 at the time.
At first, her fellow villagers thought she'd done it on a whim and would soon
But Jiang persevered and completed five years of schooling, averaging scores
of 90 points and higher on a 100-point grading system.