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City vows to provide best ever broadcasting servics
( 2003-09-09 09:20) (China Daily)

Organizers of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games vowed to provide the best broadcasting services ever during the Games through the host broadcaster - Beijing Olympic Broadcasting Co Ltd, for which the frame agreement was signed on August 31.

"Successful broadcasting is the prerequisite and basis for staging the best-ever Games in Olympic history, as most of the people in the world are watching the great event through television," Sun Weijia, spokesman for the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) said in an interview yesterday.

It is expected that the broadcasting company will be established next year, after it gets approval from various governmental organizations including the State Administration of Radio, Film & Television and the Ministry of Commerce.

The Chinese-foreign co-operative broadcasting company will be jointly established by BOCOG and Olympic Broadcasting Services SA under the International Olympic Committee (IOC), according to Sun.

The company will be responsible for producing the international television and radio signals for the 2008 Games, and providing them to holders of broadcasting rights around the world, who buy the rights from the IOC.

The company will be financially supported by the broadcasting budget of the BOCOG, according to the spokesman.

Broadcasting services for previous Olympics were provided either by organizations appointed by IOC or the organizing committees of the host city.

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