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New-look China dispose of Australia
( 2003-08-29 11:19) (FIFAworldcup.com)

¡°Persistence results in victory.¡± So says Sun Wen in a well-known Chinese television commercial, and China coach Ma Liangxing must have taken his star striker¡¯s words to heart. His perseverance in trying out new players and formations was again apparent in the first of two friendlies with Australia, this time with better results.

Despite losing their first ever game against an African team a few days ago when they fell to Nigeria 3-2, the coach of the Steel Roses again fielded a reshuffled side for the Australia game, this time even more experimental.

Most notably, China¡¯s first-choice strike partnership of Sun Wen and Bai Jie did not even play. Instead Ma brought in two younger forwards who have been performing well lately: Han Duan and Teng Wei (and then substituted Meng Jun for Teng Wei in the 67th minute).

Two new players were also tried out as substitutes in defence: Yu Weimin, who replaced Liu Yali in the 73rd minute, and Xie Huilin, who came on for Li Jie in the 76th minute. Fan Yunjie, Wang Liping and first-string keeper Zhao Yan made up the Chinese back line.

In midfield, Bi Yan, Pan Lina and Qu Feifei were all new additions, with only Zhao Lihong a first-team regular. That meant no place for Pu Wei, Ren Liping and Liu Ying. Then, in the 46th minute, Chen Jinyu came on to replace Zhao Lihong, Zhang Ouying replaced Bi Yan in the 55th minute, and Xie Caixia went in for Qu Feifei in the 76th.

Despite the non-stop substitutions, the home side managed to find some sort of cohesion. They came out strong at the start, and in the 15th minute midfielder Qu Feifei ¨C starting an international for only the second time ¨C struck a pinpoint long pass to striker Teng Wei, who confidently collected the ball, swerved through the Matildas defence and cracked a low shot past the keeper.

A goal down, Australia were stung into action and started putting pressure on China¡¯s defence. Determined to win their first ever game against their Asian opponents, the Aussies created several good opportunities and nearly evened the score seven minutes after China¡¯s opener when Heather Garriok unleashed a powerful shot that was only kept out by a miraculous save from China goalkeeper Zhao Yan.

With Australia on all-out attack, China responded by crafting a few chances on the break, including a header from Han Duan which grazed the post.

After the break, China re-established their dominance. In the 52nd minute, Zhao Lihong broke through on the left and tried her luck from the edge of the box. The ball came back off the crossbar and was headed past Australian goalkeeper Cassandra Kell by midfielder Pan Lina.

In the closing minutes of the game, China turned up the heat even further. Both new strikers, Han Duan and Meng Jun were eager to show off their skills and each had several good chances, but they were unable to convert.

Ma Liangxing was understandably pleased with the result. During the last game against Nigeria, angry China fans had shouted ¡°Ma Liangxing, go home!¡± But this game proved the coach¡¯s experimental approach may not be so ill-advised after all.

¡°See -- a little humiliation never hurt anyone. And the fans¡¯ criticism may actually have helped us improve,¡± said Ma after the match.

China meet Australia again in a second warm-up this Sunday in Qingdao.

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