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Children's 'gambling' habits annoy parents
( 2003-08-26 16:38) (China Daily)

"Children's bills", fake banknotes resembling US dollars, have become popular among primary and secondary school students in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, who use them to play at gambling or make trades, reports Liaoshen Evening News.

One parent complained to the newspaper that her child had become obsessed with playing with the bills, which portray the likeness of former US president Abraham Lincoln and a set of scales.

When playing card games, the kids place "bets" with the bills, which boast "values" ranging from 1,000 to 100,000 "yuan".

"It's fun for us," said one student." We want to know who has the most 'money', who can be considered wealthy and of a higher position," he told the newspaper.

Another boy even paid a classmate from his 10 million "yuan" to finish his homework for him, he said.

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