Cellphone robber will do time ( 2003-08-14 10:23) (China Daily)
A woman has been sentenced to one year in jail for stealing 16 cellphones
from cabbies after asking to borrow them, reports Beijing Morning News.
The 19-year-old Zhong, of Sichuan Province, came up with the scam after
failing to find a job in Beijing. She hailed a taxi in Huairou on March 1, then
asked the driver to stop halfway in front of an alleyway, claiming to have seen
an acquaintance there.
After walking part way down the alley, she returned moments later asking to
borrow the cabby's mobile to try to call the imaginary person, saying she hadn't
been able to catch up with it. Talking on the phone while walking into the
alley, she soon disappeared from the driver's sight.
But Zhong was caught on April 2 by two previous victims who waited in an
alleyway she used in her swindles.