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'Frugal' official is a crook
( 2003-08-05 14:18) (China Daily)

A municipal bureau director in Wuhan, known as a clean and frugal official, appeared in court last Saturday on charges of accepting bribes amounting to 470,000 yuan (US$56,600), reports Wuhan Evening News.

Ming Jiujin, director of Wuhan's city planning bureau, impressed people with his spartan style of dress; he wore only inexpensive clothes and shoes, including socks with visible holes.

He further convinced people of his "integrity" by not using his position to find work for his laid-off brother, who now makes a living as a motorcycle-taxi driver, or his sister, who tends a retail stall for someone else.

He was equally strict with his subordinates, prohibiting them from eating out at restaurants.

He himself often ate in the bureau's cafeteria.

But since becoming director in 1998, it was learned, he had taken bribes in 25 instances from people sending him money or gifts in exchange for favours such as granting construction contracts.

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