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commentary: Resignations elicit respect, understanding
( 2003-07-17 08:31) (China Daily HK Edition)

The resignations of Financial Secretary Antony Leung and Security Secretary Regina Ip caused quite a reaction last night, with some Hong Kong politicians expressing respect and understanding.

"I respect Mrs Ip's decision, "Selina Chow, vice-chairman of the Liberal Party, told Cable TV. "She was a capable official and she did a good job in the Security Bureau."

But she noted that in promoting the legislation for Article 23, Ip "was not able to procure public acceptance" which Chow believes was the main reason behind her resignation.

Yip Kwok-him, vice-chairman of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong, said Leung had quit because it was very difficult for him to continue with his work.

"Especially after the car purchase incident, his popularity has been on the decline. As the financial secretary, his workload was already very heavy,"Yip said. "Therefore, I respect this decision of his."

Some expressed worries over the future governance of the administration.

"If more and more officials resign due to the same pressure, the government will have to face the problem of whether to urgently reorganize its governing team," said Choy Chi-keung, lecturer of the Division of Social Studies with City University.

Yeung Sum, chairman of the Democratic Party, urged the government to use this opportunity to reshuffle its cabinet.

"Even with two officials gone, there will not be any big problem because under the accountability system there are permanent secretaries. They are veteran civil servants who will not be replaced even when the policy secretaries are changed. The whole team of civil servants will help the new secretaries and they should not be big problems."

"Replacing the leadership team may enhance the government's rule and improve the investment atmosphere," said Tang Sing-hing a securities analyst.

Lau Pui-king, an NPC deputy, suggested Ip's resignation would not affect Article 23 legislation.

"It is natural to find some new persons to restart the (Article 23 legislation) work, and it would be an arrangement that is good for all."

He called on the government to form a new team to carry on the work.

Independent legislator Margaret Ng said that she has known Ip for many years and described her as "very diligent and strong-minded."

"At last we have a minister who is willing to be held accountable for her own performance. She has set a very good example and raised the bar for other ministers. It is a very honourable act," said political commentator Andy Ho.

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