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Army urged to be in the forefront in "Three Represents" study
( 2003-07-10 11:10) (pladaily)

Jiang Zemin, chairman of the Central Military Commission, stressed at the plenary meeting of the PLA delegation to the first session of the 10th National People's Congress that the People's Liberation Army should be in the forefront in the study and implementation of the important thought of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress. Jiang's remark has set a higher demand upon the army's study and implementation of the important thought of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress. The army should seek unity of thinking upon the Party's basic theories, policies and experience and focus its efforts on the fulfillment of the objectives and tasks set by the 16th Party congress.

To be in the forefront in the study and implementation of the important thought of the "Three Represents" means the army should set an example to the society in this regard. To be more specific, the army should study more earnestly, understand more clearly and implement better the important thought of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress.

After the close of the 16th Party Congress, the army, in accordance with the demands of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, has deepened the study and implementation of the important thought of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress and has achieved fruitful results.

To study and implement the important thought of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress is a long-term dynamic and strategic task. Having studied doesn't necessarily mean having understood and grasped the thought and spirit, and still less their full implementation.

As a political manifesto and guide to action of the Party in the new era, Jiang Zemin's report at the 16th Party Congress put forward a series of fresh thoughts, concepts, theories and methods. The important thought of the "Three Represents" is an extensive and profound scientific system full of connotations. Only through careful study and full implementation can the army fully understand and grasp the background, basis, connotations and essence of the important thought of the "Three Represents". If the army is content with the achievements it has made in this regard, it cannot keep pace with the Party's innovation in its theories and will lose impetus and direction in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Our army is Chinese people's army under the absolute leadership of the Party. It should always follow the direction and will of the Party and be a loyal implementer of the Party's theories, guidelines, doctrines and policies, which is one of the army's good traditions and political advantages. In the new era, the army firmly adheres to the absolute leadership of the Party and equips itself with Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of the "Three Represents". All the officers and men in the army have a strong belief in the Party's guidelines, doctrines and policies and the great power of the Party's theoretical innovation.

The Party put the important thought of the "Three Represents" into the Party Constitution as its guide to action along with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory. This historical move has set the direction for the building and development of the army in the new era. In accordance with Chairman Jiang Zemin's demand that the army should be in the forefront in the study and implementation of the important thought of the "Three Represents", the army should study harder and implement more earnestly the important thought and adhere more firmly to the guide of the important thought.

The 16th Party Congress put forward that the army should accomplish the dual tasks of mechanization and IT application and achieve the goal of leapfrog development, and this important task, has, through legal procedure, been transformed into the state will at the first session of the 10th National People's Congress

The important thought of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress are a political basis on which the army unites its thoughts and concentrates its strength and guide its action in its drive for military changes. Whether the army can make more contributions to building a well-off society in an all-round way and whether the army can effectively boost building and reform of the army depend on whether the army can fully and correctly study and implement the important thought of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress.

To accomplish the tasks set by the 16th Party Congress for the army, the army should follow Chairman Jiang Zemin's demand that the army should be in the forefront in the study and implementation of the important thought of the "Three Represents" and take the important thought as its guideline and deepen the study and implementation of the important thought and the spirit.

To follow Chairman Jiang Zemin's demand, Party Committees and leading cadres at all levels in the army should keep studying and implementing the important thought and spirit with greater political ardor and stand in theˇˇforefront. They should set examples to the rank and files in study, and lead the army to deepen the study and implementation of the important thought of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress.

The army should combine the study and implementation of the important thought of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress with the study and carrying-out of the spirit of the first session of the 10th National People's Congress. At the same time, the army should organize officers and men to study Jiang Zemin's important speech at the plenary meeting of the PLA delegation to the 10th NPC.

The army should, under the absolute leadership of the Party, in the face of the challenges of the world's new military changes, energetically accelerate military changes with Chinese characteristics, and support the reform and modernization of our country.

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