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Huaihe River flood defences blasted
( 2003-07-07 06:22) (Newsphoto)


A villager looks at his village submerged beneath floodwaters on July 6, 2003, after a dyke on Huaihe River dyke was blasted to allow water to flow into the lower reaches of Tangduo Lake in East China's Anhui Province. Roads and fields adjacent to the dyke were immediately submerged as the torrent was released. [newsphoto.com.cn]

Children squat on sandbag defences as villagers in Huangtai Village, Yinshang County of East China's Anhui Province, about 1 kilometre from Tangduo Lake, work on building flood defences. [newsphoto.com.cn]

Villagers pile up sand bags in Huangtai Village, Yinshang County of East China's Anhui Province on July 6, 2003.[newsphoto.com.cn]

Villagers pile up sand bags in Huangtai Village, Yinshang County of East China's Anhui Province on July 6, 2003.[newsphoto.com.cn]

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