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China imports more vehicles
( 2003-06-18 10:11) (Xinhua)

China's imports of autos in the first five months of the year hit US$5.42 billion, rising by 118.1 percent over the same period last year, according to customs statistics.

The country imported 72,399 units of autos at a cost of US$1.968 billion during the period, up 82.6 percent and 107.5 percent respectively on the previous year.

Among the imported autos, about 85 percent were sedans and off- road vehicles, with the rest travel buses, trucks and automobiles for special use.

The statistics also show that Japan remained the largest exporter of sedans and off-road vehicles to China, followed by the Republic of Korea, Germany, the United States, Sweden, Poland, France and the United Kingdom.

At the same time, China exported 30,820 units of autos, which were mainly automobiles for special use, up 230.7 percent over the same period last year.

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