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HK witnesses 4th consecutive day of zero SARS infection
( 2003-06-16 15:43) (Xinhua)

No new confirmed case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was reported Sunday, marking the fourth consecutive day of zero infection in Hong Kong.

It is also the 31st day in a row on which the number of cases has fallen below five since May 16, according to a press release jointly issued by the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority.

A 43-year-old woman died in United Christian Hospital, bringingthe total number of SARS related death to 295.

The number of patients recovered and discharged from hospital continues to rise to 1,386. Of them, four were discharged Sunday.

The number of SARS patients in intensive care units is 15. These cases are part of the 46 cases under treatment in hospitals.Most of the patients are showing positive responses to the treatment protocol.

In addition, 28 are recovering patients and in preparation for discharge.

Meanwhile, temperature checks for all passengers at the airport,ports and border points continue to be implemented to watch for travelers displaying symptoms of SARS.

In addition, all incoming travelers are required to complete a health declaration. Five passengers were screened out during temperature checks at these points Saturday.

After undergoing further medical checks, two were cleared of SARS symptoms and three were referred to hospitals for observation.

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