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Hu says China attaches importance to developing Sino-Swiss ties
( 2003-06-01 21:53 ) (8)

Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao said here on Sunday China attaches importance to developing the Sino-Swiss ties and hopes to promote the ties to a new level.

Meeting his Swiss counterpart Pascal Couchepin, Hu said both countries have enjoyed a good relationship of cooperation and the bilateral cooperation has produced positive results in the fields of trade, economy, science, education, culture and training of government officials.

Both sides share same or similar stands on many major international issues, hope to promote the establishment of a multipolar world, favor a peaceful settlement of international disputes and maintain the world's diversity, Hu noted.

On his part, Couchepin said his country values the friendly and cooperative relations with China and appreciates the positive and constructive role China plays as a member of the World Trade Organization.

He expressed his hope to further strengthen the bilateral cooperation and coordination in various fields.

Couchepin also congratulated China and the Chinese people for successfully bringing severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) under control, adding that he is confident the mankind will fight down the epidemic.

The Chinese president arrived here early Sunday morning on his way to Evian, France, for the informal South-North leaders dialogue meeting. Enditem nnnn 



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