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Long-March Rocket Technology Meets International Standards
( 2003-05-31 13:57) (china.org.cn)

With the successful launch of the Beidou navigation and positioning satellite, the Long-March launchers have raised the success rate of this Chinese technology to 90 percent. Chinese aeronautical experts said the overall technology embodied in China's Long-March carrier rockets has already met international standards.

The successful launch of the Beidou navigation and positioning satellite has raised the success rate of the Long-March launchers to 90 percent from 89.8 percent. According to relevant statistics, the success rate of America¡¯s Delta carrier rockets is 94 percent, the success rate of the European Ariane carrier rockets is 93 percent, and the Russian Proton carrier rockets, 90 percent.

Since the Long-March launcher put China¡¯s first man-made satellite, Dongfanghong (Red East) 1, into orbit, the carrier rockets have successfully sent 52 different Chinese-made satellites, 27 foreign satellites and four Shenzhou space shuttles into space. Over the past 14 years, China¡¯s astronautic technology has developed rapidly and continuously. The Long-March carrier rockets alone have made 50 launches. The 28 continuously successful launches of the Long-March carrier rockets since October 1996 show China¡¯s astronautic technology capability.

From propulsion in normal to low temperature, from series connection rocket to carrier rocket, from launching satellite load to launching manned spaceship, Long-March launchers have passed many different technology experiences.

Now the Long-March family has 12 different kinds of rockets, and they are capable of launching spacecraft in different orbits.

According to experts, in order to raise the rockets¡¯ competitive edge in the world launch market, scientists are actively researching and developing a new carrier rocket that is non-polluting, low cost, reliable, adaptable and secure.

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