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Chinese president urges joint efforts for new international order
( 2003-05-29 10:27 ) (8)

Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao on Wednesday urged the peoples all over the world to join hands and cooperate in promoting the establishment of a just and fair international political and economic order.

Delivering a speech at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Hu said peace and development are still the main themes of the current world and maintaining world peace and promoting common development are the shared wishes of peoples around the world.

"The rapid development of science and technology, the multi-polar world and the globalization of the world economy have brought opportunities and favorable conditions for peace and development in the whole world," said the Chinese president, who arrived here Monday for a three-day state visit.

"But meanwhile, unpredictable factors that would harm world peace and development, such as international terrorism, unilateralism and the enlarging gap between developing and developed countries, are increasing and these are some of the sharp contradictions and prominent problems the mankind are facing," Hu said.

How to face these challenges and make the world more secure, more stable and more prosperous are the important issues facing the peoples all over the world, he said.

"As there is only one earth for mankind and the people in every country are living in one 'global village', all the peoples should join hands and work together to promote the establishment of a just and fair new international political and economic order," the Chinese president said.

Hu proposed a number of measures for reaching the goal.

First, he said, efforts should be made to promote democracy in international relations.

All the countries in the world, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. They enjoy the right not only to handle their own internal affairs, but also to take part in decision-making concerning world affairs on an equal footing.

  In the international affairs, only consultations based on equality and friendly cooperation can effectively increase consensus and boost the interests of all the countries so as to face the common challenges and realize world peace, stability and prosperity.

Second, Hu said, the diversity of the world should be upheld and respected.

Diversity is the basic characteristic of the world as peoples in various countries have created their unique cultures, traditions, beliefs and values, he pointed out. He called on all civilizations to learn from one another through exchanges and thus make the world more colorful and energetic.

Third, the Chinese president said, a new concept of security should be formed on the basis of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination.

Both history and reality have proved that peace cannot be achieved through using force and power cannot ensure security, he said. Only mutual trust, equal consultation and extensive cooperation will help achieve lasting security, he added.

  Fourth, Hu called for the balanced development of the global economy.

In the past decades, he said, the world has developed rapidly. But at the same time, the world has also witnessed wider gap between the rich and the poor, an enlarged disparity between developed and developing countries and the deterioration of the ecological environment.

The international community should join hands in promoting the world economy and enabling it to develop in a balanced, steady and sustainable way, he said, adding that this is the demand of all countries on their way to development and also the requirement of world peace and stability.

  Fifth, the Chinese president called for the respect of the important role of the United Nations and its Security Council.

"The UN's role in ensuring world peace and stability is irreplaceable. The objectives and principles set out in the UN Charter remain to be the basic norms that should be followed in dealing with current international affairs. We should safeguard the authority of the United Nations and give full play to its essential role in international affairs," he said.

The Chinese president added that lasting peace and common prosperity of the world require full cooperation and unremitting efforts from the international community.

"The Chinese people will join hands with the Russian people and peoples from all the other countries in building a peaceful, stable and harmonious world," Hu said.



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