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Guaranteeing the reliability of dams and embankments and making all-out efforts to keep the losses to minimum from potentially heavy flooding are the main tasks of this year's flood prevention work on the Yellow River, the second longest waterway in China.

"The safety of the embankment at Huayuankou measuring station in Zhengzhou, capital of Central China's Henan Province, which is designed to hold a flood peak equal to 22,000 cubic metres per second, enjoys the priority in the flood prevention and control work," said Li Chengyu, governor of Henan Province, concurrently the general commander of the Yellow River Flood Control Headquarters.

Li has asked the related departments to be on alert and attach great importance to the flood and flood control of the Yellow River.

He said the flood control standard of the river has been increased significantly with the operation of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir, however, the Yellow River's problems are complex and the tasks for solving these problems are arduous.

Flooding of the Yellow River always takes place unexpectedly and once rain is concentrated in the Yellow River basin, there will always be a serious flood danger.

A particular problem is that the sedimentation problem cannot be solved completely in the near future. The situation of "suspended river" and threat of flood will exist for a long time.

Therefore, Li urged the local authorities to make every effort to make anti-flood preparations to safeguard people's lives and property.

He said top administrative official should take the lead in flood prevention work.

According to the weather forecast from China Meteorological Administration, the Yellow River valley will experience a rainy summer this year, increasing the risk of flooding.

Although the leading concern at present is flood prevention, experts warned local governments not to neglect fighting droughts.

The impact and losses incurred by flooding of the Yellow River are the greatest of any flooded river in China.

Storm flooding of the Yellow River occurs mainly during July and August and ice flooding often happens during February and March.

Storm flooding poses the largest threat to the lower reaches of the Yellow River and ice flooding is usually the most difficult type to control.

Since 1998, China has overcome a series of major floods and droughts, and major progress has been made in the fortification of anti-flood facilities.

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