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  'Black guides' mar tourism
Illegal practices such as the hiring of so-called "black guides" and the use of non-existent contracts still exist in the Shanghai tourism market, the Shanghai Morning Post reported.

According to an investigation by 112 local tourism representatives, some guides still take illegal commissions. The disclosures were made during an audit session of the Shanghai Tourism Industry this week.

According to delegates, some travel agencies ignored contracts but were using signed documents instead although they have no legal status.

Travel agencies should sign a written contract with applicants before arranging a tour which has to contain 14 separate items including addresses, price, agenda, traffic, grade and scenic spots according to set contract standards.

The rampant use of "black guides" - guides without the required certification - remains a problem. "Black guides" randomly cut down the number of scenic spots and add more shopping stops so as to earn more commissions for themselves.

Customers can protect themselves by asking their guides to show proof of their certification. If they fail to provide certification, the guides face fines of 500 yuan (US$56.5)

False advertising is another problem created by some travel agencies. Consumers can obtain redress by filing a complaint with the Shanghai Tourism Bureau. Whenever tourist guides are found to be accumulating secret commissions, they face fines ranging from US$121 to 3,630.

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