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11th Panchen Lama undergoes high-level initiation
( 2002-07-01 08:58 ) (8 )

The 11th Panchen Lama, a major religious leader in Tibet, has received a high-level initiation over the past four days in accordance with the ritual of Tibetan Buddhism.

The Tibetan spiritual leader received shri kalachakra (wheel of time) from 73 year-old Jangyang Gyaco, a master of Tibetan Buddhism, at his resident lamasery. The ritual involves advanced instruction in spiritual theory.

Initiations are performed by monks of the Tantric sect of Tibetan Buddhism when they enter a new stage of religious cultivation.

The 13-year-old 11th Panchen Lama was chosen in front of the statue of Sakyamuni in December 1995 as the reincarnation of the late 10th Panchen Lama through drawing lots from a golden urn.

Since June 11, the 11th Panchen Lama has been holding Buddhist services in Lhasa and Xigaze cities to pray for good harvests and prosperity throughout the country.

The Zhaxi Lhunbo Lamasery has also held a series of Buddhist rituals to ask for longevity and health for the Panchen Lama.



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