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Chinese, Egyptian Presidents hold talks
( 2002-01-24 10:00 ) (8 )

Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Wednesday that China always considers Egypt its most important cooperative partner in the Arab world and Africa, and works to develop all-round cooperative friendly relations on a mutually beneficial basis.

Jiang made the remark during talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who arrived earlier Wednesday on a state visit.

Jiang said China and Egypt, as two great ancient civilizations and two great nations in Asia and Africa, respectively, share wide-ranging common understandings and interests in maintaining world peace and safeguarding the interests of all developing countries.

China hopes to strengthen its strategic cooperative relations with Egypt and realize long-term stable and profound development of bilateral relations in the new century, Jiang stressed.

Jiang said he hopes to work closely with President Mubarak to carry forward the strategic cooperative partnership and constantly enlarge the cooperation between the two countries.

Mubarak said that he agreed to Jiang's remarks on bilateral relations. He said the good relationship between Egypt and China has laid a very important basis for the two countries to push forward their friendly cooperation in various areas. The two sides should explore more areas in which they can cooperate.

Mubarak said Egypt is ready to work together with China to strengthen cooperation and exchanges in areas of security, science and technology, information, ocean shipping and energy.

Jiang told Mubarak that China encourages its entrepreneurs to increase imports from Egypt and invest more in Egypt. China also encourages businessmen of the two countries to seek trade opportunities through various channels and expand two-way trade.

Mubarak said he is satisfied with the rapid development of bilateral trade and economic cooperation. The Egypt-China Business Council, to be established Thursday, will help push forward business cooperation. He welcomed Chinese business people to invest in Egypt and participate in the economic construction of the country.

The Egyptian president briefed Jiang on the current situation in the Middle East. He said peace in the Middle East is a dream yet to be realized.

He highly praised the just stance China takes on the Middle East issue.

Jiang reiterated China's consistent stance on the issue of fighting terrorism. He stressed that China opposes terrorism in any form, and thinks it is a long-lasting, complicated and arduous task that should rely on stronger international cooperation. The leading role of the United Nations and the Security Council should be given full play, he said.

China opposes any connection between the fight against terrorism and certain ethnic groups and religions, and opposes any dual standard on the fight against terrorism, Jiang emphasized.

An early settlement of the Middle East issue will help wipe out the root of terrorism, Jiang said. China will continue to support the just cause of the Arab people and the Palestinian people to recover their occupied territory and legitimate national rights.

Jiang noted that China and Egypt maintain a similar stance on the anti-terrorism issue, saying China hopes to strengthen consultation and coordination with Egypt and other Arab and Islamic nations, as well as other friendly developing nations, and make joint efforts to safeguard the interests of developing countries.

Mubarak said Egypt opposes terrorism, and opposes the inclusion of all Arab people and Islam in the name of anti-terrorism. The fight against terrorism should not be expanded to other countries at random.

Egypt will strengthen cooperation with China on the issue of anti-terrorism, he said.

Jiang said the lasting conflict between Israel and Palestine will not only seriously threaten the Middle East, but will also be harmful to world peace and stability. China calls on the two sides to stop conflict as soon as possible and seek peaceful means of settlement in coordination with the efforts of the international community.

China firmly supports the just interests and rights of the Arab nations and hopes to see Egypt play a greater role in the Middle East peace process. China also wishes to maintain consultation and coordination with Egypt on the issue.

After the talks, the two presidents witnessed the signing of five documents covering economic and technical cooperation, oil cooperation and a memo on listing Egypt as a destination for Chinese tourism groups.



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